Oakwood Farm hosts an educational, fun and creative summer camp for riders of all ages and experience levels. Campers will acquire both riding skills in the saddle, horsemanship and horse care skills on the ground but also build lasting friendships all in the name of horses.
Summer camp includes a variety of activities ranging from daily lessons, trail rides, crafts & activities, games & much more. Each week presents new challenges for repeat riders, but also makes sure to keep the fun in every aspect of camp.

- 2025 CAMP DATES -
Week 1: June 9-13
Week 2: June 16-20 (pre-show/advanced)
Week 3: HALF WEEK June 30-July 2
Week 4: July 7-11 (pre-show/advanced)
Week 5: July 21-25
Week 6: July 28-August 1
Week 7: August 4-8
Week 8: August 11-15 (pre-show/advanced)
Full week camps are Monday through Friday, 9am - 1pm
Full Week (5 days): $500 non-resident riders, $450 current students
Single Days: $125/day non-resident riders, $100/day current students
**Resident / Non-Resident rider refers to current enrollment in our lesson program. Must be enrolled in weekly lessons to receive camp discount**
Summer Camp hours are between 9am-1pm.
Please drop off between 8:45 and 9am.
Pickup is at 1pm.
$25 off total bill per additional sibling
*Pre-show camps are for our more advanced riders and offer more ride time prior to the show weekend at Sedgefield 'C' show at the Carolina Horse Park
If the camp week you would like is listed as FULL please EMAIL to discuss possibly waitlisting to join. No guarantees for openings so we encourage you to select another open week to secure a slot for summer camp.
1. NO OPEN TOED SHOES allowed. No exceptions. No one is allowed to participate in any riding related activities without proper footwear (No crocs, sandals, Birkenstock, etc.) This applies to all farm visitors’ parents, camp attendees, siblings, etc. Campers who do not bring proper shoes may participate in camp, but will not be riding or in close proximity to any horses for safety concerns.
REQUIRED: All rider’s are required to wear smooth, hard soled shoes or boots with at least ½inch heel. Tennis shoes may suffice for first time campers or those that do not have access to a proper riding boot with heel.
2. HELMETS will NOT be provided. Helmets are fit to size and to minimize liability, we require all attendees to bring their own certified riding helmet. Any other helmets (bike, skateboard, etc) may be used as a substitute, however riding activities will be limited to a walk. This ensures proper sizing for each individual child. Campers who do not bring a helmet will not be allowed to ride.
3. LONG PANTS are required for riding horses (No capris, no shorts). A change of clothes may be brought for activities on the ground that does not involve riding.
4. We are a dog friendly barn and do have dogs on the premises. No outside animals are permitted on the premises. DO NOT bring any other animals on property.
5. It is optional to provide campers with a lunch, but please provide a personal drink/water bottle, and snacks for those with allergies. Snacks and water will be provided for all campers. We highly encourage providing your child with a frozen water bottle or temperature controlled lunchbox due to the heat. Access to refridgerator and microwave for all campers.
First, fill out our summer camp intake form:
Please sign the following forms when registering for camp:
Oakwood Liability Riding Release
Dufour Liability Waiver
Medical Form
MUST be properly signed before the start of camp. All of these forms can be signed online via Jotform.
By preparing these forms in advance of the start of camp, it will help us get camp started sooner on day 1!
ONCE WE RECEIVE YOUR REGISTRATION FORM; You will receive an invoice sent to your email with balance due. Please pay promptly; invoices will be cancelled after 48 hours and your camp spot will be available again.
Must be paid to secure desired camp slot. Limited availability.
Must have at least 5 campers to conduct camp. If a week does not fill, this is the only case where you will receive a refund or credits towards other services through the remainder of 2025.
Camp is hosted rain or shine, but we do accommodate date changes as availability allows.
No refunds or makeup dates offered for less than 24 hour notice. Makeup camp dates only considered for extreme emergencies; we retain the right to ask for a doctor's note.
For those booking early, if date conflicts arise after booking, please let us know promptly and we will do our best to accommodate other camp days to fulfill your previously booked dates.
***EMAIL US to ask about payment plans if booked in advance; not applicable with any other promotions. Promotions only applied to balances paid in full at time of booking.